Monday, February 17, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet

Taking the battle where it’s hardest

Posted by willow On May - 9 - 2009

The battle for equality has to be fought in small town America, such as Fresno, CA and not just gay-friendly cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York .

The population of California ‘s Central Valley is far more reflective of national attitudes toward LGBT rights nationwide, such as Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas and South Carolina. Until we roll up our sleeves and directly engage the communities of “middle-America”, we will not have the full equality we deserve.

Meet in the Middle 4 Equality is a major step in that direction.

On the 1st Saturday AFTER the California Supreme Court issues its ruling on the Proposition 8 cases — win or lose — we are kicking off a statewide and national effort toward full federal equality and we are kicking it off in Fresno, CA.

Fresno, CA is the heart of Yes on 8 territory. We, the LGBT community and allies, need to show the state, the nation and the world our numbers, strength and unity. We need to show them we will not go away. Everyone, all of us, need to come together for our equal rights.

One amazing ally, Charlize Theron, in recent Courage Campaign release pledged her support: “We know the people whose lives are on the line — those who identify as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender — will be there. But we need everyone there. Especially straight people.”

This IS the civil rights movement of this generation.

Where will YOU stand when the Court rules?

Where will you STAND for equality?

We will stand in Fresno…join us!

Phillip, who authored this post, is from Unite The Fight. Unite the Fight reports on the LGBT and allied communities’ efforts to win full equal rights for all with a focus on marriage equality. Delivering the most recent news and stories, Unite the Fight rallies the grassroots by giving the latest information on actions and events throughout the nation, working hands-on with many groups in the struggle to obtain full equality.

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