Monday, February 17, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet

Critical Updates

Posted by amy On November - 11 - 2008

Hello Everyone! Thanks to the help of’s Web hosting services, we now have a lightening fast server and our site should not be bogged down by traffic anymore… unless we suddenly reach 2 million hits/day, and at that point, who would complain? Please thank them in anyway you can. They donated the server to us and are working hard to keep our site afloat amidst the amazing influx of traffic! I’ll have a page up shortly with ways that you can help thank the businesses that are very generously donating their time and services to this cause!

PLEASE NOTE the following changes:

  • In our server transfer, we did lose a great deal of comments but have backed them up. We will work hard to create a comments page so that people can see all of the great things you have said in the past 3 days.
  • Thanks to the generosity of, we now have a contacts and locations Wiki for everyone to better organize their city. That is located here:
  • Emails – Please know that we are responding to emails as fast as we can. If you have submitted an email or comment requesting a change of location/contacts or addition of either for protesting, please submit that request again at our new wiki (But please check first to make sure the city isn’t already updated).
  • You can use the wetpaint wiki to request changes and updates to contacts/locations in your area.
  • Finally, you have made this all possible! I know our site has had some slow load times, but we honestly didn’t expect such a large reaction so fast! We peaked at 50K visitors/hour which are the numbers that crashed Friendster in its startup days! Please keep getting the word out and keep up the good work!

More to come soon! Thanks for EVERYTHING!

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